SIMIAN LASC initiative shortlisted for prestigious Lord Mayor’s Dragon Award

14th August 2023

Awards Ceremony

On the 10th October 2023 SIMIAN had their work experience programme for young adults “highly commended” at the annual Dragons Award Night at Mansion House, London.

The Social Value award was the result of an application submitted by SIMIAN and in partnership with the London Borough of Waltham Forest following our work experience programme. Our aim was to provide a positive experience for young adults who were being educated by Pupil Referral Units and who were in need of a new start. SIMIAN were able to offer an insight into a career in construction and maintain a contact that would offer potential future employment. SIMIAN LASC Centre Manager, Dean Johns attended on behalf of SIMIAN and was happy to congratulate our competitor Chartered Banking Group when they were announced as the winners of the Social Value award.

The Dragons award is intended for the private sector businesses who want to have a social impact in London, outside of their core business activities. To qualify our programme sought to address social issues in Greater London communities through employability and skills development initiatives for those disadvantaged, underrepresented or minority groups. We hoped to reduce any barriers to employment and encourage a behavioural change.

The work experience programme ran for 10 days at the SIMIAN LASC centre, in Leytonstone, East London. It was a great success and we aim to repeat another programme in November 2023 with more social value to follow next year.

Nomination announcement

As part of SIMIAN’s ongoing social value commitment, our team at LASC recently delivered a two-week work experience programme for two young people who live in Waltham Forest.

Both have previously been involved with knife crime and local gang culture. Our objective was to introduce them to the world of work in the construction industry to help promote a new start and change around a young life.

Over the two weeks, the programme covered a variety of construction opportunities and experiences and highlighted the behaviours required to have a successful working career in the industry.

The two students were punctual and took an active part in the daily tasks, working with our instructors and other learners. As a result of their positive approach, both now have a job opportunity via our LASC contacts when they reach 16 years of age. A great outcome and the first step on a career in construction.

We are delighted that this initiative has resulted in LASC being shortlisted for the Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards for Inclusive Employment.

The Inclusive Employment award celebrates businesses that remove barriers to employment and progression for disadvantaged, under-represented or minority groups, creating a more diverse and inclusive London workforce.

Well done to the team at LASC for the great work delivering such positive social impact for these young Waltham Forest residents.

We’re looking forward to attending the award ceremony at Mansion House, City of London in October 23 and hopefully leaving with a trophy. Wish us luck!

More information about the prestigious Lord Mayor’s Dragon Awards can be found on their website